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 Duties of the Chapter Officers


The President must...

  • maintain active membership in the AATG

  • be involved in active instruction (The presidency needs to alternate between K-12 and post secondary colleagues each consecutive term.)

  • make a one year commitment, after one year as vice president.

  • attend chapter and officer meetings

  • work with the officers to create a flexible annual budget to present at the Fall meeting.  This must follow constitutional guidelines and not lower the balance in the account below the prescribed minimum

  • set the agenda and preside over the Fall chapter meeting, as well as assist the Vice-President in the planning of the meeting

  • help set the agenda and co-preside at the tri-chapter Spring meeting in conjunction with the TFLA convention.  (A volunteer from the chapter can serve as proxy at the meeting.)

  • seek and maintain contact with other German organizations in the area, such as The Dallas Goethe Center.

  • communicate with the officers of the other chapters in the state and around the country

  • be a member of the TFLA and (if possible) ACTFL (because the AATG state and national meetings take place in conjunction with conferences of those organizations)

  • serve on the National German Exam student travel award interview committee, if requested (and there is no conflict of interest)

  • oversee the Awards Committee

  • communicate with and assist the other officers to see that committees are functioning properly


The Vice-President must...

  • maintain active membership in the AATG

  • be involved in any active instruction at the post secondary level (rotating between K-12 and post secondary every two years)

  • make a two year commitment; one year as vice president and one year as president

  • must attend chapter and officer meetings and assist in the creation of the chapter budget

  • arrange the site for the Fall meeting and other events within the organization

  • oversee or assist with registration at annual meetings and AATG events

  • should be a member of the TFLA and ACTFL (because the AATG state and national meetings take place in conjunction with conferences of those organizations)

  • serve on the National German Exam student travel award interview committee, if requested (and there is no conflict of interest)


The Secretary must...

  • maintain active membership in the AATG

  • be involved in any level of active instruction

  • make a two year commitment

  • must attend chapter and officer meetings and assist in the creation of the chapter budget

  • assist with registration at annual meetings and AATG events

  • submit minutes and reports to national office by various annual deadlines

  • oversee communication with the chapter web master in order to keep the website up-to-date

  • maintain updated contact information for all German programs in the region

  • oversee the Membership Committee

  • serve on the National German Exam student travel award interview committee, if requested (and there is no conflict of interest)

  • membership in TFLA and ACTFL is strongly encouraged


The Treasurer must...

  • maintain active membership in the AATG

  • be involved in any level of active instruction

  • make a two year commitment

  • must attend chapter and officer meetings and assist in the creation of the chapter budget

  • submit financial reports to national office by various annual deadlines

  • maintain the financial records and take care of financial obligations

  • oversee the activities and plans of the Finance Committee

  • serve on the National German Exam student travel award interview committee, if requested (and there is no conflict of interest)

  • membership in TFLA and ACTFL is strongly encouraged


Membership Chair must...

  • maintain active membership in the AATG

  • be involved in any level of active instruction

  • make a two year commitment

  • recruits new members

  • contacts new and lapsed members

  • surveys to find out how the chapter can best meet the needs of the members

  • communicates with the chapter secretary

  • maintain updated contact information for all German programs in the region

  • oversee the Membership Committee


The Testing Chair must...

  • maintain active membership in the AATG

  • be involved in any level of active instruction

  • make a two year commitment

  • be nominated by the elected officers to this cabinet position

  • communicate with the national office regarding the National German Exam

  • advertise the testing program to the membership, i.e. explain what the test is and why they should give it

  • communicate with the schools that participate, informing them of all deadlines and procedures

  • create an interview committee, schedule and carry out the interviews

  • send in required reports to the national office in a timely manner

  • plan an annual awards ceremony, with the help and support of the officers and assistance from the Awards Committee


The Social Media Chair must...

  • maintain active membership in the AATG

  • be involved in any level of active instruction

  • make a two year commitment

  • create and maintain a professional presence for the organization on major social media platforms

  • create and maintain a professional chapter website which meets the AATG national requirements


The Past President should…

  • maintain active membership in the AATG

  • attend chapter and officer meetings when invited



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